Photo Page 3
Mr T's Crib

Naked Photos

Happy Photos

Horny Photos


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Sad Photos

Cheery Photos

This quite possibly the best photo page yet.......actually, probably not......
Hey!! Fabs here - here are even more photos with my unbiased narration. There are a lot of photos of us without our tops on though, so parents are recommended to supervise their children whilst viewing this website. These photos are completely out of chronolgical order - as if you care, but if you do, send complaints to us.

Newsflash!!!.....Diet Coke hires new pin-up boy for latest commercials to be shot in Key West, Florida.......

What The....????
This a dog toeing a tight rope - only in America as they say....
Good times in Key West, gay capital on the east coast.....
Here is Fabs and Steve on lady bikes. We rode them like lightning through Key West, causing several major accidents and childbirths.
They drink a Whiskey drink, they drink a Vodka drink....
Paul (Perth), Steve, Jonathan (LA) and Fabs at a bar in St Augustine
Big Buildings, Rich People
Lots of cool highrise aprtments in Miami Beach. Hmmmmm. Here is one of them.....
Flagler College, St Augustine
This place deserves an oversized photo - absolutley magnificent structure, built by an eccentric bllionaire with too much time on his hands as a hotle for the rich and famous, now, a college with girl to guy ratio of 3 to 1. Enrol now boys.....
Flagler College........again.
Photos do not do this place justice, but we can try anayways. We rank St Augustine as one of the must see spots along America's Atlantic coast.
Jamie Oliver, Geoff Janz, Fabs etc etc
Fabs flicking stuff in a pan - looks spectacular but actually halved the amount we managed to get on our plates....
"We're Going to Miami" - Will Smith
And then this was us IN Miami!! Just like Will said we would be!
Unshaven Fabs - ewww
This is what 36 hours on a train will do to a man - zoom in for the full effect.

Were-Fabs surfaces every now and again in this holiday, future sightings are expected throught Mexico where he may be able to pass a local.....
Key West, Paradise in the Carribean
A jetty with water - 'nuff said.
The Crobar Club - Lifestyles of the Rich and Beautiful
So really there was no reason for us to be there - but we got given a free double pass (cover is usually ) and in we went. Drinks are each so none of those either - basically the place was swarming with models and rich average looking guys and lots of gays - something for everyone! Unfortunately the rich guys want the girls, the girls hang with the gays, and the gays want the rich sugar-daddies! We just wanted cheap drinks (and the girls)- Just Kidding Sarah and Tina!!!
Sarah and I at the Macaroni Grill in Reno
Linkin Park, Warfield Amphitheatre, San Francisco
Great show - a real quality performance but not nearly long enough for the I paid for it!